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Five and six year old children take part in our Montessori Kindergarten/Extended Day Program. After Montessori Morning, lunch, and recess, Kindergarteners from both classrooms join together to work with their guide in the Montessori Classroom from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m., Monday-Thursday.To fully benefit from a Montessori program, children enter at just under three years of age and continue to age six. As a matter of fact, we count on your child staying through kindergarten! This last year is a very special and important one for the older child. 

What's in store?

Parents should understand that a Montessori classroom is neither a babysitting service nor a play school that prepares a child for traditional kindergarten. Rather, it is a unique cycle of learning designed to take advantage of the child's sensitive years between three and six, when she/he can absorb information from an enriched environment. A child who acquires the basic skills of reading and arithmetic in this natural way has the advantage of beginning her/his education without drudgery, boredom or discouragement. By pursuing her/his individual interests in a Montessori classroom, the child gains an early enthusiasm for learning, which is the key to him/her becoming a truly educated person.


Aline D. Wolf | A Parent's Guide to the Montessori Classroom 

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